Sunday, December 25, 2011

Shrek Smoothie

This I got from Sadie Nardini, who is an amazing yoga teacher and person, so check her out!

1) Handful of Spinach

2) Coconut oil (i use this but you can use flaxseed oil or anyother essential oils)

3) Two frozen fruits

4) One fresh fruit

5) Protein powder (VEGAAAAA!!)

6) Almond Milk! :) (But you can use Soy milk, Rice milk, not cow milk though, it isn't easy digestible)

I think that is all, you cannot even taste the spinach. The only thing that you can taste is the milk (which for me is choco) and the powder (which for me is choco AGAIN!). So my Shrek smoothie looks green, but tastes like a choco shake.


Coconut Smoothie

Okay, coconut is the magic tree nut. Want to lose weight? Coconut. Want to get rid of pancreaitis? Coconut. Want to have smoother skin? Coconut. Want to have stronger and longer hair? You know what I'm going to say.

1) UNREFINED, VIRGIN, ORGANIC coconut oil (be sure to get this type or else the coconut oil will smell and taste like DOOKEY.)

2) Protein Powder (yummyyy, I use chocolate VEGA, but you can use anything really, it gives it a great consistency and tastes heavenly)

3) Frozen fruit (Get at least 2 for a nice taste, I use mango and pineapples)

4) Fruit Juice (I use OJ)

5) Couple of ice cubes to keep it cool

